Friday, November 13, 2009

Life Is A Journey

Life is a Journey

Life is a journey
It is not known how far the travel.
One-step at a time,
day by day.
Good times live under our fingertips.
Each struggle in life
continues the fight.
Live for another day.
Days, months, and years add up,
giving you eyes.
Clouds gather,
then fade away.
Sun rises,
A new day appears.
Consider life’s
many gifts it bears.
Let loose,
Have a glimpse,
life is filled with sweetness.
Things change
then again, stays the same.
Time is what is needed,
to heal the wounds and gain strength
as darkness closes in.
Unable to change what is happening.
Dealing with what has been.
Clutching what is left of life.
Peace, found from within.
Accept everlasting love
Let go, time to move on.

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