Saturday, November 14, 2009

Only In My Dreams

Only In My Dreams

I sit quietly upon the shore
The cool breeze blowing through my hair
I look out over the ocean waves
I close my eyes
Floating off to peaceful sleep
In my dreams you come to me
You take my hand and walk with me
Along the beach and in the sand
You whisper sweet nothings in my ear
We dance and dance the night away
The moon light sets the ocean aglow
In each others arms we belong
I caress your strong masculine face
and gaze into your beautiful deep blue eyes
I can see the ocean swirling round and round
As you slowly drift from my arms away from me
I call out your name
I search and search but you I can not find
I fall to my knees and look out over the ocean waves
The tears of loneliness stream down my face
The cool breeze blowing through my hair
Hoping one day you will come back to me
If only in my dreams

written by Elizabeth McCoy Kidd

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